May 27, 2018
Some therapists are just lazy! In a nursing home/rehab setting, it is the primary goal of the therapists to ensure the geriatric patients safety with good mobility upon discharging home. One of the parameters is whether patient could ambulate with an appropriate assistive device such as a cane or a walker independently without any risks of … Continue reading “Fraudulent documentation”
Continue ReadingApril 8, 2018
An overweight physical therapist assistant sitting on a chair next to her patient, who was a 75 years old woman sitting in a wheelchair doing her legs exercises. The old woman was very into her exercises routine that she did not realize her therapist had been dozing off on a chair next to her for … Continue reading “How’s that for an image?”
Continue ReadingApril 2, 2018
In the name of promoting recovery and healing, some chiropractic owned multi-discipline practices would charge whatever they could to your insurance to max out as much claims the insurance would allow to maximize their own profits (but not the patient’s well-being). For example, they would schedule the following services – chiropractic, physical therapy, massages, … Continue reading “That’s how some chiropractic owned multi-discipline clinic do to milk the insurance company”
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